
The Gospel of Matthew in Its Roman Imperial Context is unavailable, but you can change that!

This collection of scholarly essays tackles a number of questions based on Matthew’s gospel. In what sense does Matthew’s Gospel reflect the colonial situation in which the community found itself after the fall of Jerusalem and the subsequent humiliation of Jews across the Roman Empire? To what extent was Matthew seeking to oppose Rome’s claims to authority and sovereignty over the whole world,...

struggle with this more dominant form of Judaism, whose members (as is acknowledged in Matt. 23:2) claimed to be the guardians of the Mosaic legal tradition. But equally Matthew’s community, though marginalized, had claims of its own and disputed fiercely the correctness of the Pharisees’ interpretation. It sought to legitimate4 its own claims and also to consolidate its own community, however threatened it may have felt by more dominant forms. Matthaean scholars owe a very considerable debt to
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